Healing Services

Distance Healing Session

The concept of remote healing may be foreign to some, however because energy is not restricted to space and time healing energy may easily be sent long distance. You may feel tingling sensations as your system responds to the healing information being received, and should experience tangible improvement. Often this is the most effective method of receiving a session, for those who wish to remain home, or cannot travel.

45 Minute Distance Healing
Session $350

Request a Healing Session 

Life Path Session

During a Life Path Session, Jane is able to influence the energy around a situation or issue and place you in a better position to move forward to the next area of your life. If you are struggling with issues related to career changes, relationships or life transitions; imbalances in your energy field may be contributing to a lack of movement in these areas. 

Jane recommends getting started with three sessions.

60 Minute Distance Life Path 
Session $450

Request a Life Path Session