There is a legit healer in Maine, My husband and I have called her 5 times with great success.

She does her work over the phone. My husband and I have called her 5 times with great success. I will be 66 this coming May. My body is getting older and needs help at times. The most dramatic thing she did last year was heal my arthritic right knee. I was driving alot in Boston in heavy traffic for months and was stressed. I had constant motion with my right foot from the gas to the brake pedals. My knee was getting sore and finally swelled up so much that I could barely stand. I had a patient on the 3rd floor and had to crawl up the stairs. It was bad. I saw the doctor and they wanted to inject Cortisone. I said no. I’m diabetic and that would send my blood glucose high. I wrapped it and iced it for months had to hang on to 2 rails when on the stairs. Finally got a hold of Jane Fecteau. I had spent hundreds on lidocaine patches, wraps, different pain meds with no success. Jane worked on me one time. She said it was my back injury that was causing it. I have foot drop in that leg from it. So she worked on the compressed vertebrae she found and lifted them. This was all over the phone. The pain was immediately gone and it took a few months but all the swelling is gone now, it was twice the size of my left knee. I can also completely bend it now and kneel on it. Jane uses God to do it. Doctors send patients to her that they don’t know what to do with and can’t help. She can get you well.