Without doing anything more than energy healing, she is experiencing more good days and her family is able to enjoy her company, which they have not been able to do in years!

Grace is brittle diabetic and on heavy medications. Without doing anything more than energy healing, she is experiencing more good days and her family is able to enjoy her company, which they have not been able to do in years!
She has had 10 visits with you. For the first time in years, my mother is alert and awake. And unlike her ‘awake’ days before, she walks without the use of her walker, is doing stairs by herself, without someone having to pick up her legs (and last week, without a walker, she went out to the end of her driveway to get her mail, which she has NOT done in 7-8 years!) She calls her friends and family, goes shopping, has her hair done, and wants to get her license back. She is on the go and it’s great having our Mother back. I am grateful that to our Heavenly Father and Blessed Mother, that you had a vision one night of my mothers brain and you received the insight as to how to ‘repair’ Mom’s brain. You work molecularly on blood flow to her brain by breaking down the plaque in her carotid arteries that go to and from her brain. (Note- Unbeknownst to you, Mom’s physician had just told us that she had plaque build up in her carotid arteries, but because of her age and the seriousness of the surgery- there’s nothing he could do for her). You work on her muscle strength, blood sugar stability and other health issues, which have all shown signs of improvement.
As mom’s ‘good days’ become more prevalent (as often as 5-6 ‘AWAKE’ days in the same week!) a couple weeks ago, I asked if you could bring Mom back without the ornery disposition, and we laughed. You told us that we’ll get Mom back- just as she is- all the good and not so good parts……I’ll be damned if my brother Charlie didn’t call me last week and said “Well, I know my mother is back because she called me up to chew my ass out.” We laughed and agreed what a miracle this has been and we are grateful to God and the healing abilities that He’s given to you.
As an educated woman, the more I know, the more I realize, I DON’T KNOW. I can’t explain how Jesus healed the sick, infirm, blind, and even the dead. I don’t know how dowsers, medicine men, and healers work. They just do. These visits are not cheap. But when we figure that she spends about $6,000.00 a year on her prescription medication (even with insurance and Medicare), the amount of money spent on her healing sessions, approximately $3,500.00 is the best money spent ever!  When in fact the $6,000.00 on out of pocket prescriptions hadn’t done that. There is a time and a place for all medicine—some in pill form, some in the form of touch, prayer, molecular re-configuration for the brain, heart, body and soul and/or all the above.
Respectfully submitted by Jo Roderick, Grace’s daughter. Thank you. God bless you-
Jo, Charlie and Billy, Grace’s children.